Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Updates/Please Read

Hello Everyone,

As a follow-up to the announcements in the lunch room on Monday:

1. CommitteesPlease don't stress about the committees. We simply want you to:
1. decide on your chair
2. write a 1-2 sentence objective, e.g. "The Excursion committee will organize one
excursion for the entire group",
3. and designate tasks for each group member to accomplish your objective.

It's not meant to take a lot of time and it's also supposed to be fun. If it'ssimply busy work and does not seem relevent, please talk to us. All committeeinformation and the posting site can be found at:

2. Kroller-MullerOn Thursday we will meet in the courtyard at 8:00 a.m. (bus leaves at8:10ish), so please get to bed early :). We'll do research updates during ourpicnic lunch. Alexi will provide sack lunches for us. Let's hope for goodweather. If weather is rainy, we'll go indoors. For the project updates (5-7minutes per group), please include:
1. Restate your research question
2. Field research progress
3. Next steps

Also, if there are any frustrations or roadblocks you've encountered, present them to the group. They may offer some good suggestions/problem solving.

The Kroller Muller is a highlight and I have only heard rave reviews. Here ismore information:

3. For scheduling meetings with us priority will be given to those who sign upthrough the research wiki:
Reminder: office hours are 10-12 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, or by appt.

4. Final Project and final presentation guidelines are at:

5. I will be in Berlin from August 19, flight at 9 p.m. and returning on the morning of August 24, in time for the final colloquium. Clifford and Jessicawill be available while I am in Berlin. Jessica arrives on the morning of Aug.12. I can always be reached by cell phone 06-20-16-02-44, or email.

Lastly, I hope to visit two places this next week/next weekend--Leiden and Harleem. These are short 1/2 day visits. You are welcome to join me. More information and dates will be available here:

Leiden is a beautiful university town and Haarlem has sublime organ music in the main cathedral.

That's it for now. Please let us know if you have any questions!

Julie and Clifford

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