Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Research Proposal Guidelines

Research Proposal || Basic Structure || Due 11 June 2007
“Pragmatic Tolerance”, Spring Seminar H A&S 397A

1. Abstract (200 words max)—the abstract will be close to its final draft, but does not need to be THE final version.

2. Background (~1000 words) – an overview that synthesizes the project for all group members This should include:

a) Literature review (from your reading discuss what are the core issues, common concerns, and debates)

b) Context (Why is the topic relevant. How will it advance yours and others understanding of the issue? Remember to consider why it is of personal interest to you.)

c) Problem(s) (what are the struggles you have encountered while beginning your research?)

3. Research Questions. This is where you set up your individual research as one component of the overall group research project. Spend one or two paragraphs developing your specific research question(s).

• researcher 1
• researcher 2
• researcher 3 (if applicable)

4. Research Methods (~1000 words/approximately 2 pages, plus bibliography)

• Affordances- how is each method appropriate for your research
• Limitations- what are the limitations of each method
• Reflexivity- what biases and what assumptions do you bring to the project
• Analysis- how will the data collected help answer/ask your research question)
• citations of relevant methods literature
• preliminary survey questions
• preliminary interview questions

5. Human Subjects: discuss 1) your methods for recruiting (interview) subjects, and 2) measures taken to guarantee confidentiality and anonymity. (include the human subjects application only if you are applying for IRB approval)

6. Daily research schedule while in Amsterdam (1-2 pages). You should have one consolidated schedule for the group. Initially, this will be a partial schedule and is expected to be a evolving document. However, you should try to add as much detail as possible even if it's just a placeholder for some event that has yet to be defined. The schedules should include resources you will use in Amsterdam, i.e.:

• People (names, titles, etc.)
• Places (address)
• Equipment
• Information

7) Reference List (bibliography)

8) All work to be submitted via wiki by midnight 11 June 2007

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