Sunday, May 13, 2007

this week's activities & assignments

FOR MONDAY: tomorrow our guest lecturer is Clarke Speed, an expert ethnographer. in preparation for his lecture, reflect on the readings for Monday and post three questions on your blog related to your research project. for example, if you plan to interview and/or use observation, pose questions about practical challenges you would anticipate.

FOR WEDNESDAY: conduct an interview on someone you don't know (or at least not very well) using the "Organizing an In-Depth Interview" format noted in Monday's readings. post the "field notes" from this interview on your blog before class on Wednesday.

FOR FRIDAY: you should be meeting/coordinating with your symposium group and preparing your presentation or poster. Julie sent out an email to the poster group and I will send an email to the presentation group. please let us know if you have any questions or if you need guidance.

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